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It is easy and comfortable to think that raising the minimum wage is a good deal for everyone. Proponents of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour argue that it is a “living” wage and allows people to pay their rent and buy food and...   Read More...
No one can deny that our court system has become bogged down, increasingly clogged, and potentially broken. Civil dispute proceedings between individuals and corporations can take months to get to court and months more to resolve themselves. The...   Read More...
Goodwill and a stellar reputation make up the core assets of a franchise model. It is the franchise’s reputation for producing a consistent, reputable product or service that lures investors to purchase franchises, and customers to patronize...   Read More...
The number one reason that a franchisee fails, is that they did not focus their attention on the things they could do to reduce their monthly fixed expenses before committing to long-term contracts. Most franchisees are so eager to start making...   Read More...
Almost every entrepreneur is a would-be franchise mogul. I cannot think of a person who would not want to sit in control of a multi-billion dollar empire of restaurants, convenience stores, or a chain of hotels or motels. Moving from simply dreaming...   Read More...
The most important pro-business development, outside of reducing corporate and personal income taxes, in the US may happen and it could affect the entire franchise industry. Repealing, or at the very least renegotiating, the North American Free...   Read More...
Having good credit and sound work experience are the keys to small business opportunities and keeping all of your franchise doors open. The very first thing a prospective franchisee should consider when investigating a franchise business opportunity...   Read More...
The seemingly unending stream of litigation surrounding the franchise giant 7-Eleven has yet again taken on a new dimension. The 7-Eleven franchisee union is suing the parent company alleging the franchisor is violating the franchise agreement by...   Read More...
Investors seeking to start a business using the franchise model do so primarily for the convenience and support a franchisor offers. Another reason may be to take advantage of company financing of start-up costs and ongoing working capital. When...   Read More...
Franchise giant Caltex is re-franchising stores in order to meet government regulator’s demands to put an end to the ongoing employee wage fraud scandal. During a recent Caltex franchisor/franchisee convention in Japan, franchisees were put on...   Read More...
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